Summertime in Sochi

For Spotlight Sunday, I wanted to highlight a great article on Sochi! Despite the attention being on the Winter Olympics, Sochi is actually a great spot for a summer trip.


Read this wonderful article on the “scenary” of summertime Sochi & check out my closest travel companion at Distributed Internationally, Jennifer Butler!

Distributed Internationally

As the world’s attention turns to Sochi, Russia as it hosts the 2014 Winter Olympics, I have been reminiscing that week I vacationed there a few summers ago.

Every time I tell someone that I’ve been to Russia, much less vacationed on the Black Sea in Sochi, people always look at me a little confused. I fully expect the Olympics to help me explain a little easier where exactly it was that I vacationed. Up until recently, very few people knew where Sochi was and even fewer seemed to know that it’s a very popular summer destination for Russians.

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