Tag Archives: abroad

Cloudy Clarity Rolling In

It rolled over me, wetting my face and catching the curl in my hair. It has been described as the unknown, but today, it was the mist of possibility. When you can’t see ahead, anything is possible. It is hope. You breathe it in and the haze of doubt forms with each breath out.

Cloudy Clarity

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Day 2: Twice-Baked Shortbread Cookies

I popped out the little chocolate on my advent calendar today for December 2nd. Can you believe that it’s barely two days into the month?! Not that I’m complaining, but I already feel like I’m knee-deep in holiday cheer!

Twice Baked Shortbread Cookies

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25 Days of Christmas Cooking

Throughout my younger years, I remember pulling down my mother’s box of index cards, browning around the edges and with various streaks of sauces across the fading writing. The recipes were beginning to merge with the cards themselves, but my mother mainly only needed the numbers to remember the amounts. Everything else she could remember by memory and feel.

25 Days of Christmas Cooking

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How Carrie Bradshaw Influenced my Travels

Between Disney movies and Carrie Bradshaw, my generation grew up with the idea that our purpose in life was to find that special person and never let go. We search in cafes, bookstores, and clubs for The Right One. To this day, I cringe at the thought of leaving my apartment without at least looking semi-put together. Who knows who I might bump into! The Sex in the City motto of dating and dating until we find the right partner became the crux of our existence. From middle school Valentine’s Day crushes, to high school dance escorts, and towards college study buddies, everything centered on dating.

Carrie Bradshaw Travel

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The Last Great Frontier

We go out, fueled with the desire to put our pushpins on our wall maps when we get home. We run rampant like wildfires into the globe, devouring as many locations as possible. We are nomads, we are travelers, and we are the next generation.

The Last Frontier

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